Rene Fasel : “No NHL in Europe”

Posted: August 24, 2010 in Uncategorized

I find it interesting.  Rene Fasel indicates that the NHL will not be in Europe, “But as long as I’m sitting in my chair I wouldn’t allow it.”

Does Fasel have that much pull in the business and hockey world that he can control anyone who might want to set up shop in Europe?  I am not saying that the concept that the NHL seemingly plays the predator to all European hockey federations is wrong.  It does to some extent appear to be the case.

That said, it appears to me that Fasel has an adversarial approach to the NHL, and Gary Bettman.  Ultimately it didn’t work well for Bob Goodenow, and it didn’t work for the Alexander Medvedev, and I don’t expect it to work well for Fasel.

At some point in time I intend to do a significant piece on Gary Bettman but from my standpoint, whether it is the KHL, ESPN, the NHLPA, Jim Ballsilie, or even barbs from Ron McLean, the Hockey Napoleon seems to be a guy that itches for a fight and has no problem giving the big “F. U.!!!” to anyone.

So, what is the reasoning for Fasel to take this stance?  There are no overt clues, but he does seem to do a lot of “Us.” (Europe), and “Them.” (North America).

It is also interesting that the IIHF is unwilling to do things like uphold Alexander Radulov’s Nashville contract, but would be willing to reject the transfer of a 16 year old Czech (Martin Frk) on the grounds he had a valid professional contract.  Can’t have a beer but legal enough to sign his hockey career away to the Czech league.

Obviously the IIHF has an agenda that is very protectionist when it comes to Europe.  That can’t be a good thing.

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